what is a cleanse?

Juice cleansing is essentially a commitment to abstain from solid food for a set period of days or weeks during which only a combination of juiced fruit/vegetables and nut mylks are consumed. A raw cleanse is a commitment to consume only raw (not heated over 40 C) fruits, nuts and vegetables for a set period.

These processes can aid the body’s innate toxin elimination process whilst simultaneously resting the digestive system - meanwhile flooding yourself with live nutrients that support regeneration and healing from the inside out.

Our bespoke packages are carefully crafted to provide the perfect cleanse to suit your own personal needs and lifestyle. You will be fully supported throughout your journey with us, from your pre cleanse consultation to your post cleanse aftercare. We will be on hand to answer any questions that may arise throughout the process and to give guidance along the way as required.

why cleanse?

For all the advantages of life today in the post-industrial revolution western world, there are also considerable collective and individual drawbacks as we, as a species continue to move further away from the natural ways of living previously employed for millennia. For the vast majority of human history, we typically lived in smaller, more connected communities, in better harmony with nature, the land and the changing of the seasons.

In more recent times, as farming practices have shifted towards aggressive chemical treatments on our plants and soil as the norm, so-called ‘conventional’ fruits and vegetables now come laden with pesticides that are hard to remove in the home. Unfortunately, the toxic influence on our system doesn’t end there. The contamination of the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat are at unprecedented levels. Added to this, the overconsumption of alcohol, caffeine, sugar, processed foods, and so on - our bodies are being bombarded with a barrage of unnatural toxins that are the root cause of many of the health issues prevalent today.

We need to return to a state of balance and allow the inherent wisdom of the body to be supported by our thoughts and actions, starting with the foods we consume. Changing habits can be a slow process for many of us and a well planned juice cleanse is a powerful tool to help promote real inner change and potentially allow for detoxification on a deep cellular level. The juice cleanse allows the body to heal itself - whilst simultaneously giving us the clarity and motivation to engage more fully with our own journey to optimum wellness which benefits not only ourselves but everyone around us.


If you want the best results and a smooth transition, then the important work begins with the preparation - getting the body cleanse ready is vital and the more you start to prepare yourself, both physically and mentally, the greater your chance of success and more you will benefit from the experience.

The earlier you prepare for your cleanse, the better, but we recommend starting at least 72 hours beforehand.

Withdrawing from caffeine and refined sugars almost always gives bad headaches and cravings so they are best dropped off as soon as possible so that they are well out of your system before you start your cleanse. This really cannot be stressed enough, but the withdrawal symptoms usually only last 1 to 2 days and is easily managed if done prior to starting the cleanse.

To help purify your body before your cleanse arrives, it's a great idea to start each day off with a glass of warm water with the juice of a lemon squeezed in - you can also add a half teaspoon of cayenne pepper if you have some. This process will increase the rate of detoxification by opening the circulatory system and alkalising bodily fluids.

Try and drink at least 2 litres of non-carbonated water a day, this will aid your cleansing process when it arrives by allowing your cells to eliminate toxins more easily, decrease tiredness and reduce hunger cravings; also it will get your system familiar with drinking large volumes of fluid before starting your cleanse.

To give your digestive system a head start, it's a very good idea to begin to eliminate acidic and heavy foods and drinks that are slow to digest and will counteract the intentions of the cleanse.

It may seem hard to give up certain foods and drinks, but your body will respond much better to the cleanse if you can do it. It also helps with the mental process. Your cleanse starts with the pre-cleanse, removing toxic foods is phase one and the juice cleanse itself is phase two.  Remember the more you put into phase one, the more successful your cleanse and overall experience will be – preparation is the key, your foundation for success!

The great news is that when you buy a cleanse from Alkalize Me you will be sent pre-cleanse advice as soon as you place your order and following the end of your cleanse, post-cleanse advice also.  You are fully supported all the way; before, during and afterward – as much, or as little as you need.

We are fully committed to helping you get the most out of your experience.


Post cleanse you'll be back eating solid foods. It's especially important then to eat food that your body will really thrive on - whole, plant-based foods being the optimum choices for continued alkalization.

It is best to start off with lighter foods such as salads and soups, avoiding harder to digest produce initially such as meats, dairy and gluten as your system will take a little time to readjust to eating again so you want to be as gentle as you can. Treading lightly and focusing on hydration is the key. Drinking warm water with fresh lemon in the morning and plenty of filtered water throughout the day will keep you well hydrated and help flush remaining toxins through.

Caffeine and alcohol are best avoided for a few days post-cleanse as your body will still be in detox mode so have that process in mind.

Enjoy a smooth transition back into eating and try not to undo all your hard work!

why choose alkalize me?

Our juices are made with a true passion for health and wellness in our Plant-Based Space in South East London. Our attention is fully focussed on the art of creating the most optimum products possible for your consumption. Our juices are potent, powerful, packed with vitality and truly stand out from the crowd. Some of the methods we employ to ensure the best possible customer experience include;

  •   Using only hand-selected organic plants and vegetables.

  •   Making every batch in-house ourselves using the cold-pressed juicing method.

  •   Using glass bottles only.

  •   Our products are freshly juiced and then delivered – untreated.

  • We provide 3.5 litres of juice, nut mylk and shots per day with our cleanse packages*

  • 1:1 support throughout your cleanse as standard - no extra cost to you.

*(the most amount per day on the market that we have found to date).

We love engaging with our clients on a personal level and welcome you to visit our Plant-Based Space in South East London to chat about how we can assist you in becoming your greatest version. You can sample our raw snacks and juices before you commit to a cleanse, browse our health and wellness library and see which workshops/events we have on offer. To make an appointment you can drop us a line at shelly@alkalizeme.co.uk. We look forward to meeting you, finding out how we can be of service and joining you on your journey to wellness.